I will admit, from the very beginning, I had my doubts. It was years ago when an FDA FOIA (freedom of information act) employee asked me to have a "phone only" meeting with an "ombudsman" group called OGIS. The FDA FOIA employee Sarah Kotler stated that OGIS is "a neutral arbiter of FOIA related issues for government agencies and requesters". This was in December 2018, and I had spent the greater part of the year documenting how FDA was regulating one sector of the pet food industry with their "opinion" they called a "compliance policy". At the same time, they were regulating the major dry pet food sector of the pet industry using "enforcement discretion", which translates into "looking the other way" as major violations of federal law occur. Part of what I had come across in my documenting was how FDA would routinely get certain pet food manufacturers (who were not breaking the law) on the phone, threaten them, then